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High quality prints on 17mil Artist Canvas printed and mounted on light and durable stretcher bars. These prints can be used as gifts or business and photography applications. Available in different standard sizes. Send us your artwork to get started on creating your own personalized mounted canvas.


A custom mounted canvas print from Captivating Images is the perfect way to bring personality and beauty to your home by displaying your favorite photos in a fun and stylish way. Give your prints an ultra modern-looking edge with Mounted Canvas! Customize canvas prints with monograms, text, captions and more. In minutes, you can order a canvas artwork that will transform an ordinary wall into the focal point of any room. Jobs are printed in the highest quality on 17mil Artist Canvas, then mounted on lightweight and durable stretcher bars for a chic, minimalist effect.


Looking for great gift ideas that are both fun and useful? Create a beautiful canvas print for a friend’s birthday or give your parents a full-sized artwork hanging for their anniversary. If you want to bring a little stylistic appeal to your own home, canvas print décor collages can help you achieve a “wow” factor. Colorful city and nature scenes look breathtaking across canvas panels on an accent wall or above a sofa. Great for business or personal use, custom mounted canvas prints are a great way to display logo images, photographs and more. No customer ever makes a purchase until they’re completely satisfied with their order.

Custom mounted canvas artwork by Captivating Images
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